The Lusthaus – a yellow poetical spot in the Wiener Prater – a gaudy melange of riparian forest and hippodrome, of exhibition centre and harbour entry, of dog training school and wedding chapel, of swimming bath and guesthouse patio, bumper cars, show booths, sports stadium, golf, bowling alleys and tennis courts, a fabulous blend of oak forests, of horse chestnut trees and wide meadows.
To roam the Prater's huge area with “The Third Man”, with “Liliom”, with “Reserve first lieutenant Friederich Michael von R.”, with “Lieutenant Gustl” (from “None but the brave” by Arthur Schnitzler), with manufacturer “Donald Clayton” and General Secretary “Josef Chowstik” is a real adventure that is always worthwhile; it is history of literature that lavishly extends into social history.
While being a regular customer at the Lusthaus, Adalbert Stifter describes the Wiener Prater to a stranger: “Is it a park? No! Is it a meadow? No! Is it a garden? No! A forest? No! A pleasure establishment? No! – So, what is it then? All of the above taken together!”